Is Karen Mcdougal a Born Again Christian

An overwhelming majority of evangelical Christians continue to support President Trump, despite allegations of infidelity. Marker Wilson/Getty Images hide caption

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Marker Wilson/Getty Images

An overwhelming majority of evangelical Christians go on to support President Trump, despite allegations of adultery.

Marker Wilson/Getty Images

Americans in 2018 got an overdose of stories about marital unfaithfulness. President Donald Trump was defendant of making hush payments to at least ii women with whom he allegedly had affairs, and the #MeToo movement highlighted sexual misconduct at all layers of U.S. club.

For conservative Christians, such stories were especially disturbing.

"Evangelical Protestants very much subscribe to the idea that sexual sin is the mother of all sin," says Samuel Perry, a sociologist of religion who trained at an evangelical seminary. "It is the virtually dingy, the most damning, the almost shameful."

Despite that reputation, evangelicals this yr repeatedly found themselves having to defend their views on the seriousness of adultery. About 80 per centum of white evangelical voters backed Trump in 2016, and exit polls from this year's mid-term election showed piffling or no erosion of that support.

They stayed with the president fifty-fifty later on an adult moving picture star, Stormy Daniels, and a former Playboy Playmate, Karen McDougal, came forrard with detailed accounts of their sexual encounters with him during a period when he was married.

"I've not heard of any evangelical leader who has said that [Trump'southward] marital unfaithfulness was acceptable or anything simply morally wrong, sinful, and [needing] to be repented of," says Wayne Grudem, a professor of biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary in Arizona.

This year, Grudem published a 1300-folio book, Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning, intended to assistance Christians apply "a biblical worldview to difficult upstanding issues." He devoted vi chapters to the commandment against committing adultery.

Like most other evangelicals, however, Grudem says he's a supporter of Donald Trump.

"I strongly disapprove of adultery and being unfaithful in marriage," Grudem says, "but I still back up [Trump's] actions every bit president. I'm glad he's president, and I would vote for him again."

Grudem and other evangelicals who support Trump oft cite his appointment of conservatives to federal judgeships. They believe these judges will make decisions that further their evangelical agenda, including the brake of abortion rights.

Others, like James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, justify their pro-Trump views with the argument that he has inverse in recent years and go a 'born again' Christian.

A further mismatch in the evangelical world between questionable sexual behavior and bourgeois sexual views was highlighted when numerous women came forrard this year to reveal misconduct past their own pastors. An viii-month investigation by reporters at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram uncovered hundreds of sex corruption allegations at independent key Baptist churches around the state.

In addition, prominent evangelical preachers in Tennessee and Illinois this year were forced to resign in the aftermath of allegations fabricated confronting them, and a conservative seminary president was dismissed from his leadership position after reports that he told a rape victim to forgive her assailant and approvingly quoted a lewd annotate about a sixteen-year-sometime daughter in his congregation.

Such stories, combined with evangelicals' willingness to overlook Donald Trump'south extramarital affairs, have prompted some church critics to accuse evangelicals of hypocrisy in their attitudes toward sexual sin. Evangelical theologians find themselves under pressure.

Grudem, a former president of the Evangelical Theological Guild, has a simple explanation for sexual misconduct amidst Christians and in the people they support.

"Sin!," he exclaims, as though the answer should exist obvious. "I hateful, there is sin in the human center, and people in positions of power may think they tin can become away with information technology."

This is non a trite observation. Evangelicals in detail emphasize their nighttime view of human nature, often citing Romans three:23: "All have sinned and fall curt of the glory of God." Everybody, from presidents to pastors, is in need of grace and forgiveness.

Men, meanwhile, are seen as particularly prone to sexual sin.

"There's an agreement [among evangelicals] that God designed men to exist natural sexual initiators," says Samuel Perry, who at present teaches religious studies at the University of Oklahoma. "Being an evangelical man and confessing to beingness somebody who makes sexual mistakes about validates your masculinity," he says. "It's indicative of, 'Expect, I'm a man, I'm a red-blooded homo who struggles with sin like everybody else. And I'grand dealing with it.'" Perry lays out his views in a forthcoming volume, Fond to Lust: Pornography in the Lives of Conservative Protestants .

In this view, it is not surprising that a man engages in sexual misconduct. It may be wrong, but it is understandable. Some evangelical men holding this view cull to follow the so-called Billy Graham Rule: Never be lone with a woman who is not your wife.

One problem with such a rule is that it limits the work that men and women tin practise together, a consequence that evangelical women like Nancy Beach are at present lamenting.

"We [take] come up to this moment in our culture and sadly in our churches where so much seems cleaved between the genders," Beach said in remarks to a forum on sexual violence this month at the Billy Graham Middle at Wheaton College.

Beach, a former teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago, is one of several women who accused Nib Hybels, the church founder, of having made improper advances

"Our fright of potential moral failure may well bulldoze us to conclude that the reply is to go back to our prophylactic comfort zone," Beach said, "to separate the genders as much every bit possible, to not invite women to the leadership table, and to establish 20 more rules of how we can't be in the same elevator or anywhere about one another, so that no one will have the opportunity to sin. I believe any overcorrection forth those lines would be a huge mistake."

Evangelical leaders have idea and written about sexual sin for a long time, simply the stories of this past year have brought discussions forward. Politics, theology, and gender relations in church communities volition all be affected.


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